TEDxAmstelveen presenteert spreker Ritika Mehra
In 2015 was 7,5% van de Amstelveense inwoners een expat en dit is inmiddels alleen maar toegenomen. Amstelveen is de expat hotspot van Nederland. Wisten jullie dat er ruim 4000 mensen met Indiase afkomst in Amstelveen wonen? Ritika Mehra is oprichter van Bridging the Gap, een organisatie die de integratie van Indiase expats in de Nederlandse samenleving probeert te vergroten. Ook probeert de organisatie Amstelveners kennis te laten maken met de Indiase cultuur door de organisatie van evenementen zoals het Indian Colour Festival. Ritika komt op ons podium vertellen over culturele verschillen.
More than 7% from all inhabitants in Amstelveen were an expat back in 2015. This percentage has only increased in the last couple of years. Amstelveen is a hotspot for expats in the Netherlands. Did you know that over 4.000 fellow citizens in Amstelveen are from India? Ritika Mehra is founder of Bridging The Gap, an organization that tries to increase the integration of Indian expats in Dutch society. The organization also tries to get all Amstelveners acquainted with Indian culture by organizing events such as the Indian Colour Festival.She will be on our stage to tell us about cultural differences.